Monday, July 6, 2009

I didn't get a ticket to Staples Center. I also didn't apply for one.  Not that I wasn't a fan of Michael Jackson because I was. I even got to see The Jacksons perform in Chicago in 1974. But, I just didn't think spending my entire unemployment check on a flight to L.A. would be a wise move. Plus, the traffic in California gets on my very last nerve. So, I decided to celebrate his life in the comfort of my own home. From my living room I can watch L.A. go deeper in debt to memorialize the uber talented,  slightly perverted King of Pill Popping who made noises that could only come out of a grown man if his family jewels were being squeezed by a vice grip. And, I'll get a better view of stars like Emmanuel Lewis and Macaulay Culkin who should be seated somewhere in the first 30 rows. 

There's been a lot of time and energy speculating what will happen to the estate, Neverland and custody of the kids. Larry King has spent days on end trying to suck every ounce of information from brother Jermaine. Liz Taylor is not only grief stricken but likely scrambling for a new drug dealer. These news stories will go on for years to ensure we won't be allowed to forget MJ. However, in a few days, life will go on and we'll get back to seeing Barack Obama's wide smile and the news will go back to reporting on the sad state of the economy and the War in Iraq. Well, that is until Bubbles dies. 

Today's EiPod: "Enjoy Yourself", The Jacksons

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